Friday, January 23, 2009

Daily Show Clip about Bush and Obama

This was pretty funny. For those who are adamantly for or against either Obama or Bush, here's a clips showing striking similarities between them.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mamma Mia

Shannon and I watched Mamma Mia on DVD a few weeks ago. It's the film version of the broadway show based on Abba songs. It was odd to see an old style musical with pop music of the late 70's and early 80's performed by big name actors like Meryl Streep, Stellan SkarsgÄrd and Pierce Brosnan. To see Pierce Brosnan, aka James Bond, singing and dancing was a unique experience. I liked it, but it's definitely not for everyone, if you don't like musicals or if you don't like Abba, I'd steer clear.

However weather you are inclined to watch it or not, the closing credits feature the main cast including Pierce Brosnan singing and dancing in 70's disco garb. Had to be posted... Here it is.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Interaction with youngest son

I had a short conversation with my youngest son a few moments ago. I told him, "You make my heart feel very good."

He told me, "I know."

I laughed and asked, "How do you know?"

He said, "I'm a professional."

(too funny)

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Vacation is almost over

Well my long Christmas vacation at home is nearly over and Tuesday I'll be back at work. I feel refreshed and kind of miss my work, but it doesn't compare to a week with my kids. It's my favorite week of the year.


I've started dabbling with Facebook. I never thought I'd see the day, but I've actually done it. I gave it a try to view the wedding album of a friend and then people I know started coming out of the woodwork. I've connected with many old friends I lost touch with.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

My Father's You Tube Channel

Here are videos my dad has posted on YouTube. It covers his real steam engine hobby and some of his machining tools.