Saturday, May 02, 2009

Pining Away for Days Gone By

I am pining away for days gone by. Last week I was lucky enough to see some very old dear friends. Some I see only once every few years, others it seems like many weeks, often half a year or more. This week I also reconnected with a friend I had not talked to in over 15 year. We emailed on Facebook, then I actually got to chat on the telephone for almost an hour this morning. It was like very little time had passed and it felt natural and easy to pick up where we had left off.

I am very happy with who I am, where I am, with my family, etc... I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. At the same time I find I am gripped by waves of nostaliga for days gone by. Fond memories that are too detailed and numerous to truly share with someone who did not experience them.

You can never go back except. Those days are precious memories. I know in 10 years I'll likely look back on the experiences I am having now in much the same way.

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