Friday, June 05, 2009

Reply to Son's Letter

My oldest son applied to Uni High recently and was not accepted. He wrote them a letter requesting they reconsider. The letter was fantastic. Yesterday he received a reply. It did not change anything but he did receive a positive and personal reply. I am very proud of him. Here is the letter (click on it for a full size copy)


Terri said...

Awww. Dawggonit! It's definitely Uni's loss. Just remember the story of Fred Smith and Federal Express. While in college, he submitted a business plan and the professor gave him a "D" and said it was a stupid idea and wouldn't work. Little Rock Airport wouldn't provide his company the support it needed, so he moved the company to Memphis. The rest is history. Your son will go forth and make history.

Ernie Noa said...

Thanks Terri. I shared your comments with my son and it made him very happy.