Monday, July 27, 2009

Award Winning Art at the County Fair

My eldest son, who's just a week shy of 14 years old, entered four pieces of artwork in the Champaign County Fair. He earned three 1st place awards and one 2nd place award.

His oil painting of a lioness won 1st place in it's category.(the above picture of the lioness is old and is not complete, I'll post updated photos when I can.)

(this is the completed work at the fair)

His pastel drawing of a classmate won 1st place in it's category.

His charcoal drawing of a girl in an apple orchard won 1st place in it's category.

His oil painting of the eight cylons from Battlestar Galactica won 2nd place in the open category.

I will modify this post when I have photographs of the artwork.

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