Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The man with the hat is back.

I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last night with my wife. The movie is certainly not perfect but it is great fun and the nostalgia factor trumps any imperfections or missteps in the book. To see Harrison Ford one more time as Indiana Jones and to hear John Williams score is a treat. It made me feel like a kid all over again.

Update: Roger Ebert's Review

Thursday, May 22, 2008

‘Dean of Oil Analysts’ Maxwell (Part 4 of 4): Oil Crisis Will Lead to 10-Year Financial & Political Crisis

Posted: February 7, 2008

A growing chorus of voices is screaming for the United States to undertake a Manhattan Project-type program to wean America off its oil dependency. But as Charles T. Maxwell, the “dean” of Wall Street’s energy analysts, looks into the future, he deeply fears that Washington won’t do anything to head off the oil crisis he sees rapidly developing starting in 2010. He says this will make the financial crisis he fears even worse. Also, because Washington will be seen by angry voters (who will be paying $12 to $15 for a gallon a gas) as the cause of their “Nightmare on Main Street,” Maxwell sees the American political system being shaken to its roots.

Princeton and Oxford-educated Maxwell believes that if the Democrats are in power, their core constituencies – farmers, workers and intellectuals – will be ranged against one another, resulting in an impasse. If the Republicans are in power, he expects whatever “solution” they come up with to be politically untenable because it will be premised on people with money continuing to consume as before, with the have-nots expected to do without.

Seeing no chance of a timely political response to America’s looming oil calamity, Maxwell, senior energy analyst at Weeden & Co., expects an oil-induced financial crisis to start somewhere in the 2010 to 2015 timeframe. He said that, unlike the recession the U.S. appears to be in today, “This will not be six months of hell and then we come out of it.” Rather, Maxwell expects this financial crisis to last at least 10 or 12 years, as the world goes through a prolonged period of price-induced rationing (eg, oil up to $300 a barrel and U.S. pump prices up to $15 a gallon), while waiting for new technologies that can wean nations off their oil dependency to take hold in the marketplace. (It will take time to change over the world’s one billion or so oil-consuming cars and trucks.)

As this combined oil and financial crisis worsens, Maxwell would not be surprised if the U.S. government started functioning the way it did in World War II, when the democratic dialogue was often put on hold so that unilateral decisions could be made by people given special powers. He described them as little tyrants who will be able to cut off debate, effectively weakening the democratic process. Not a pleasant prospect, Maxwell emphasized, but one that may be unavoidable in the oil-scarce world that’s coming.

Foot Update

I am progressing nicely. I have much greater mobility than I did a few days ago. I am still keeping my crutches close by but I am able to move easily with one crutch and am able to walk more and more without any crutches. Walking with no crutches takes some adjustment. It seems like each time I try it I've forgotten how to do it and have to learn all over again.

My gait is awkward and slow but I am moving. My wife and my good friend Bruce are both very concerned about the impact it's having on my knee. I am double jointed and my knees can invert slightly but now they do so each time I am taking a step an putting weight on them.

My father-in-law and my mother both gave my a few exercises to try to help strengthen the muscles around my knee. I tried them last night and plan to continue with them.

My wife spend her entire lunch hour yesterday getting a knee brace for me. It didn't really help but I was most appreciative that she gave up her lunch hour and some cash to try to make me feel better.

My wife also got my appointment for my switch from the walking cast to the boot moved up by 4 days. WOO HOO!!!!!!!! Way to go Shannon! Woo hoo! (husband cheers enthusiastically).

Friday, May 16, 2008

Attempting to walk

I have not been terribly successful with my first few steps. I am able to put weight on my right foot now, but it's limited. I have put my full weight on it unintentionally a few times and it's letting me know it's still attached with a zinging painful sensation. For now I am getting around with crutches but am using the foot too. I am slower with it but more stable.

I did go UP three stairs yesterday, which was an accomplishment. I have not gone up any stairs from a walking position in five weeks.

I am surprised at how weak my foot is. I know I can walk on it but the muscles have atrophied and more over the muscles that are there do not work as expected due to the changes in the structure of my foot.

I am trying to walk more and more on it. My wife and friend are quite concerned because I am double jointed. When I step my knee locks and extends backwards slightly. My knee naturally moves that way but they are both quite concerned it will damage my knee or impede my recovery. I have zero ankle flexibility due to the cast but can roll forward onto my toes. Due to the lip of the cast this is awkward and when I put weight on the toes they hurt, particularly the big toe which has a lot of work, and now includes two screws.

I was going to call and ask at my wifes suggestion but she wanted to do it so she could ask some specific questions. Hopefully this is not a problem.

I'm not sure what's right or what's normal. I'm learning all over again. After wanting to walk so badly for five weeks it is somewhat frustrating to be stuck with the crutches for a bit longer. I want to be able to walk and carry a cup of coffee at the same time. Right now that isn't possible at all.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Foot Pictures

If you have a weak stomach look away now!

I had my non-weight bearing cast removed today and a new weight bearing cast put on. I had an hour to rub and itch my foot in between which was great. The swelling has gone down considerably and the foot looks amazingly better than it did one month ago. I got to look at the screws and pins in my foot on the x-ray which was pretty cool.

Tomorrow morning after the cast dries I will be able to put weight on it. My calf has atrophied to the point where I didn't recognize my own leg. My good calf is firm and large and the other is small and very soft. It was rather shocking.

In one month I get into a boot and should begin driving again! Until then I will enjoy the increased mobility but will still rely upon the kind help from family and friends.

Close up of the big scar!

My feet together, but this really shows how much muscle I have lost in my right calf. It doesn't even look like my leg!

My feet together.

Swan song for the old cast. The new one neon green.

Another shot of the big scar.

Close up of the scar on the side of my foot.

This is the scar on the side of my leg where the loosened the muscle running down the side of my leg.

** UPDATE 3:34 pm **
My lovely wife asked for a picture of the new cast, so here it is! They were out of blue and my middle son asked for bright green. I guess he got his wish.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Walking Soon

The itching of the cast is nearly maddening but this Wednesday I should be in a walking/weight bearing cast. I'm told I can walk 'as tolerated'. I'll feel better with some mobility restored and am anxious to do more around the house.

My wife is a saint. You wouldn't believe the amazing job she's done with the kids and with me for the past four and half weeks. The support from both of our families has been equally amazing. My close friend Bruce has also help, taking me to and from work each day and grabbing me coffee or water at the office. The help is appreciated but I can help but feel a bit guilty that my condition is causing such an imposition upon people. I know everyone is happy to help but if I were healthy they'd have more time to do the things they want and need to do.

Things should improve this week.